Hypnosis and panic attacks

Irish Hypnosis is one of the few hypnosis companies in Ireland that can claim to significantly reduce if not totally eliminate negative symptoms associated with panic attacks after one single session. If you are one of the many people who suffer from anxiety or panic attacks then you know the detrimental impact they can have on a person’s life.

Panic attacks usually manifest as an unexplainable feeling of nervousness which quickly develops into a full blown anxiety attack. The classic symptoms for sufferers include palpitations, shortness of breath, sweaty palms, tingling sensations, sweating, headaches, feeling light-headed, stomach upset, fear, and feeling hot or cold.

Anxiety is perfectly normal in the right circumstances but when anxiety attacks are frequent or unexplained it is time to get help. Hypnosis is a safe, fast, and effective solution. When clients go to Irish Hypnosis they are given a thorough explanation of how hypnosis works and how the mind works. Clients are informed in detail that panic attacks are a product of the subconscious mind and hypnosis is the only effective tool to deal with the subconscious mind. Although panic attacks can be controlled by some medications, doctors are referring more and more of their patients to hypnotists to completely eliminate panic attacks from their lives. Irish Hypnosis recommends three to four sessions for panic attacks. Anxiety, which is at the root of panic attacks, is dramatically reduced if not entirely removed after one session and sessions two and three are used to ensure that panic attacks are removed from the client’s life permanently.

For further information contact Irish Hypnosis at LoCall 1890 252 567, email info@irishhypnosis.com, or visit www.irishhypnosis.com


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