Like to perform or hold an event in 126?

THE 126 gallery on Queen Street will host a range of educational, fun, and unusual events as well as providing somewhere to chill out, during March and April.

126 is seeking submissions from established and emerging artists, musicians, dancers, poets, collectives, and any specialist in any field, interested in using the gallery for talks/critiques/events/workshops/performances from March 9 to 12 and April 13 to 16.

To submit event proposals for consideration by email, send an outline of the proposed use of the space, images of your work (artists only, maximum of 10 images, 750kb or less jpegs only ) current CV, and biography to

To submit by post, send a hard copy proposal or Mac readable CD/DVD to 126 Artist-run Gallery, Queen Street, Galway, Ireland. Do not send actual artworks or photographs/slides of work. Enclose a stamped addressed envelope if you wish to have your proposal returned. Video work should be submitted by CD/DVD or links only.


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