Atlantic College Galway (ACG) expands range of Childcare courses

Since ACG launched its range of courses in the childcare and social studies area the response from those working, and planning to work, in the area has been extremely positive. Before launching the programme the College talked and listened to those working in childcare and asked them what they needed. The College was then in a position, when drawing up the programme, to build in what they then knew what needed – courses at times and locations that suited learners offered at an affordable cost.

The response has been so positive that the College is now offering a second Certificate in Childcare Level 5 course beginning on Saturday March 26.

This course is already running in the College over 42 weeks on Saturdays from 10am to 3.30pm but in order to keep up with demand and to keep its commitment to keep class size small this is a second offering of the Level 5 programme. The Advanced Certificate in Supervision in Childcare Level 6 is also running on Saturdays over 19 weeks and another offering of this course will also begin on Saturday 26 March, this time using a blended learning model.

Students opting for the blended learning model only have to attend at the College for 4 sessions in total and will complete the rest of the course through independent learning at home with telephone and email support from a dedicated Atlantic College tutor. The Level 6 course is also being delivered by Atlantic in Mountbellew and Portumna as the request of the local community childcare services there.

This local delivery saves students both time and money and is invaluable for learners, especially those already working full- or part-time in childcare. Outreach delivery of courses is part of Atlantic’s commitment to to make ongoing education and training as accessible as possible for those who need it and to work with learners to provide a route which suits them and their life-styles.

In addition to the Childcare Level 5 and 6 courses, ACG also offers courses in Special Needs (level 5 and 6 ), Child/Adolescent Psychology, and Managing Challenging Behaviour, Care of the Older Person, Nursing Studies, Healthcare Support and Care Skills as well as a range of business courses.

Courses are delivered in the college itself and at a range of outreach centres throughout the West of Ireland. Full details of all ACG courses are outlined on the College’s website Potential students are also invited to visit the College ( a 3-minute walk from Eyre Square directly across the road from the new private coach station on Fairgreen Road ) any Tuesday evening between 5 and 7pm or call the College’s FreeCall number 1800 938 868 for information


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