Augustinian Church Choir release new album

“TO SING is to pray twice,” said St Augustine and whether it is through Gregorian chant or music by classical composers, God and music itself has been richly served by Christian song.

St Augustine’s motto is also the title of the new album by Galway’s Augustinian Church Choir. The album was recorded in St Augustine’s Church, Middle Street, on May 11 this year.

It features 20 sacred songs including works by Samuel Webbe (‘Ave Maria’ ), Mozart (‘Ave Verum’ ), Bach (‘While His Parting Spirit Sinks’ ), and Sibelius (‘Be Still My Soul’ ). There are also renditions of the Kyrie, Gloria, and the Agnus Dei. All the works are sung regularly at 11am Mass on Sundays.

To Sing Is To Pray Twice costs €15 and is available from the Augustinian Church Office. Call 091 - 562524.


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