Different Directions Experimental Film Festival

THE DIFFERENT Directions Experimental Film Festival returns to Galway and will screen challenging works from around the globe tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday.

This year’s theme is women filmmakers, and the festival will screen work by Marguerite Duras, Agnes Varda, and Chantal Akerman, as well as the explicitly political work of Johanna Vaude and Carole Roussopoulos.

Different Directions will also highlight the radical contribution made by women in collaborative filmmaking partnerships and there will also films by male directors about women, such as Antonioni’s Red Desert, Peter Tscherkassky’s Outer Space, and Alexander Sokurov’s We Need Happiness, focusing on women in Kurdish women in Iraq. This will be the closing film.

For the festival, an emphasis will be placed on challenging audiences and stimulating discussion on the films screened. To facilitate this, many films will be introduced by guest speakers.

The festival’s opening reception takes place tomorrow in the Nuns Island Theatre at 6pm. The public is invited to attend.

For the full programme see www.differentdirections.ie


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