Another first for Western Management Centre

Western Management Centre is the first training organisation in the West of Ireland to receive FETAC accreditation for their Manual Handling Train the Trainer Course. This Special Purpose Certificate is designed to equip Learners with the knowledge, skills and competence to effectively design and deliver manual handling instruction in the workplace. Almost every occupational setting requires some form of manual handling. The manual handling regulations seek to reduce the very large incidence of back injury and non fatal injuries arising from the manual handling of loads at work.

The Health & Safety Authority’s new guidelines state that all Manual Handling Instructor must hold FETAC accreditation by 2012. The Western Management Centre’s Level 6 Manual Handling Instruction course runs for 5 days and Learners may transfer to other awards at the same level or progress to an award at a higher level on the National Framework of Qualifications.

The first accredited course will take in January and further courses will be offered throughout the year. For details contact: Western Management Centre. Tel: 091 528777 or Email:


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