Plug in to your personal power

Aonacht, an Irish word, means “oneness”, but not aloneness. It is the ability we all have to stand strong and independent, in full ownership of ourselves, but still strongly connected through our innate energy with everyone else. Aonacht is about getting back in touch with your personal intuition. It is about peeling back all the layers of negativity that have built up over the years, gradually obscuring your individual energy. It is about rediscovering who you are.

Mairéad Heagney, a successful Athlone business woman, believes that the time is now right for people to look inside themselves to find the strength to continue through these painful times. She believes that difficult changes in the world around us are inevitable, but in the long term they will open the doors to a much more transparent era, where corruption and falsehood will become things of the past.

A guide in personal power, Ms Heagney works with people, individually or in groups, who feel that their lives are a constant struggle, people who feel that they have lost control and cannot see the way forward, people who are angry or sad or fearful all the time. She does not play mind games or lay claim to any wondrous powers. She acts as a guide who supports you in your journey of rediscovery. Working with your energy and intuition, she helps you rid yourself of the negativity you have collected in your life, and she equips you with the tools to begin afresh with your energy, to use your own power to become the person you want to be.

“Right now, people feel disconnected and hopeless, they feel that they are alone with their problems and this causes them huge stress,” Ms Heagney said. “They feel that they have no power or control. I see this control in terms of a bank account — you need to keep it in the black. In reality we tend to give away our control, and then seek more emotional control from others to make up the deficit. In turn, this generates anger and sadness in relationships. Learning how to keep balance in your life will lessen this negativity. As a nation, we need to understand this.”

Ms Heagney’s own negative past experiences compelled her to examine her life under a different light some years ago. She began to see that her life was a reflection of who she was, and it became clear to her that only she could change that life for the better. She became an NLP practitioner, studied reiki and integrated energy therapy, and explored many contemporary and traditional teachings. However she felt that she needed to go further with her own philosophy, Aonacht. She now teaches people how to read the energy of others, shows them how to clear their own emotions, and empowers them to control their own lives, independent of any practitioner. Always aware of her own energy-reading abilities, she continues to use her energy to enhance her own life and to create the life she feels she is meant to lead. She now brings her experience of that continuing journey and her work with energy and intuition to others.

An Aonacht open evening will take place at the Clayton Hotel on Tuesday December 7 from 7.30pm, admission is €20.

For more information see or call Mairead Heagney on (0906 ) 477770.


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