Will Fianna Fáil say sorry? Will it hell?

Our economy lies in ruins, our sovereignty is gone, the dead bank Anglo has sucked billions upon billions from our exchequer, unemployment is high, the EU/IMF have arrived, and ordinary people face years of punishing taxes to pay for the delinquency of Fianna Fáil and the banks.

The main culprit in all this is Fianna Fáil. It has been in power for the last 13 years and oversaw the inflation of the property bubble and delinquency of the banks. It chose to do nothing to correct this.

When the economy imploded, the bank guarantee was put in place by Taoiseach Brian Cowen and Finance Minister Brian Lenihan. This, along with further disastrous decisions by the buffoonish Cowen and the arrogant Lenihan (a man extraordinarily incompetent when it comes to economics ), only created an ever growing financial crisis that has led to the EU/IMF bail out and the Government introducing a four year plan which punishes the citizens of the State for the crimes of the political and banking elite.

As Fianna Fáil has played an enormous part in humiliating and crippling our State and in plummeting us into a deep, deep, recession, it needs to say to the Irish people ‘We are sorry for what we have done. We have sorry we have failed you so badly.’

If the party has any sense of decency or responsibility it will do this. Only a fool would say they should not. However while still in Government, Fianna Fáil will not say sorry as no government wants to put itself in any humiliating position.

However when Fianna Fáil are put out of Government next year (personally I would have no problem seeing the party go the way of the PDs after the 2007 election ) will they then say sorry? This is the real test because at that stage there will not be any governmental credibility issues to compound by doing so.

All this I suspect is academic. Fianna Fáil will never say sorry. The party just does not have the courage or the morals that would prompt it to do so.

More to the point, if you want to see what Fianna Fáil really think of us, the Irish citizens, just look at the four year plan and the agreement made with the EU/IMF.

The four year plan is focused solely on tax hikes and cuts. It contains no stimulus for the economy - and it is stimulation more than cuts that will begin to get us out of the hole we are in.

Similarly the Government has handed over the National Pension Reserve Fund to the IMF to put (or rather, disappear ) into failed banks - this was all we had left to invest in infrastructure and rebuild the economy with and Cowen and Lenihan gave it all away.

They also agreed to let the Irish people bear the burden for Fianna Fáil and the bankers’ sins. The bond holders though face no pain.

This is Cowen and Lenihan’s parting gift to the nation. It is like these two unctuous individuals have kicked us in the shins, then as we lay on the ground, spat in our faces, before walking away, laughing at us.

If you want to know what Fianna Fáil really thinks of Ireland and the Irish people, look no further than what the party expects you (and not it ) to endure from the four year plan and the EU/IMF deal.


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