Ballybane child wins Child of Courage award

A Galway child was one of eight of Ireland’s bravest children honoured recently by the Share A Dream Foundation.

National Child of Courage winner Ethan Smyth from Rahylin Glebe in Ballybane was selected from many deserving nominations throughout the county, all of whom face daily battles against serious illness or disability.

He was diagnosed in March 2008 with Hunters Syndrome or MucopolysaccharidosisII (MPSII ), a rare genetic disease which is severe and progressive.

He attends both Temple Street Hospital and University Hospital Galway. He attends UHG on Mondays where he receives a three and a half hour infusion of an enzyme called Elparse.

“Ethan is a funny, lovable, friendly child and in his parents’ view makes the world a better place by his graceful presence,” says Bridget Snee, senior social worker at the Woodlands Centre.

The founder of the Share a Dream Foundation, Shay Kinsella, says children are nominated by parents, doctors, nurses, relatives, etc.

“They write to us detailing the daily trauma, loneliness and fear which is part of having your child diagnosed with a terrible illness or disability. It is truly heartbreaking to witness the hardship these families and children experience.

“However, it is also very humbling to see just how brave these children are despite their lives. This is why it is so important to recognise the sick and disabled children of Ireland through our National Children of Courage Awards.”


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