We can all own a piece of the song

IN THIS era of downloading and Youtube, the means of production have transferred from the record companies to ordinary people, raising questions over the relevance of copyright.

With this in mind, Dublin artist Alan Butler has created an installation piece that is both amusing and thought provoking - IntheBedroom OMIGOD SUBSCRIBE!!! KTHXBAI XXX.

For this exhibition, Alan has collected and appropriated 20 versions of one pop song, all by different amateur singers (performed and uploaded YouTube ) - all from different age, ethnic, gender and geographical backgrounds - and synchronised these to create an virtual choir.

The original videos in raw format are testament to the passion and love people have for the music.

It also highlights the human need to produce our own culture and share it with like-minded individuals, regardless of whether it is high, middle, or lowbrow. It also asks who owns culture outside of commerce and copyright in the era of Youtube and downloading and if the new technology is creating a new folk art?

IntheBedroom OMIGOD SUBSCRIBE!!! KTHXBAI XXX will be officially opened in the 126 gallery, Queen Street, this evening from 7pm to 9pm. The show runs until December 18.

For more information see www.126.ie or call 091 - 569871.


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