Steps to tanning success

* It is important to exfoliate the skin before you apply your tan. With the change of season there may be a build up of dry/worn out skin left sitting on the outer skin. This can be caused by artificial heat and the change of weather conditions. If the skin is not exfoliated the tan can look clumpy and will not sit smoothly. For those who find exfoliators a little rough add a little moisturiser to it and work a smooth lather into the skin.

* The summer/autumn months allow for a deeper tan so it is important to re assess your colour for the cooler months ahead. If you applied two layers of fake tan during the sunny season perhaps apply one layer for winter. The look of the season is quite natural so less is more when it comes to tan application.

* Use a gradual tanning product. This will enable you to build up a suitable base for winter allowing you to balance and control your new look. Simply applyVani-T’s bronzing custard (€22.50 ) every night until the desired depth of colour is achieved.

* Do not be afraid to experiment, practice makes perfect. Use an instant tan during the week so that by the weekend you will have perfected the art of flawless application. The Vani-t Bare Bronze (€30 ) comes up straight away and can be washed off that night with hot water and soap if you made any mistakes.

* If your tan is too dark for the colder period and you want a lighter shade you do not have to waste the new bottle by buying another. Simply mix a little moisturiser with the tan which will dilute it, and voila you will have a lighter looking shade of tan in seconds.

* If you apply a little moisturiser onto your hands and between your fingers it will make the look more natural. You do not want to ruin your golden goddess appearance by having dark streaky hands.

* To achieve your perfect winter glow detox your skin regularly by soaking in a warm, not hot bath, roughly three times a week. Add some lavender oils to soothe and calm the skin.

* Moisturise. You must moisturise your skin every day to prevent it from getting dull and tired.

* Drink plenty of water. Your skin needs lots of water to keep it hydrated and looking great. Aim to drink six to eight glasses a day.

* Vani-t tan is available from Belissimo, Galway Retail Park, Headford Road, Booty’s Beauty Salon, Unit 6, Westside Shopping Centre, Alainn Professional, 99 Dun na Coirbe, Headford Road, Blush Make Up boutique, Cross Street, Elure beauty salon, 16 New Dock Road, Lola and Belle, Upper Salthill, Prestige Salon, Eyre Square, Secret Garden Beauty, Turloughmore, The Beauty Suite, Tuam, Eternal beauty, Portumna, The Beauty Room, Shannon Oaks Hotel, Portumna, and Inish Beauty, Bishop Street, Tuam.


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