Wanted — enterprising Galway women who are serious about growing their business

An opportunity is being offered to 60 enterprising women who are serious about extending their business to participate in Going for Growth — a unique support to women entrepreneurs.

The programme is funded by the European Social Fund, Enterprise Ireland and the Equality for Women Measure, Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform.

Going for Growth was recently included among the EU Good Practices and subsequently voted into the Top 10 of those initiatives as most beneficial to implement.

A new cycle of Going for Growth will get under way in January and is open to women who are at least two years in business, who own at least 50 per cent of their companies, and who are working full time and focused on growth.

The willingness of successful, well-known and inspirational women entrepreneurs and business women to act as lead entrepreneurs and to contribute their time voluntarily, together with the sponsorship which has been awarded, means that applicants are not required to pay to participate in Going for Growth; they need only cover their own expenses.

Going for Growth comes highly recommended. More than 100 women entrepreneurs have already benefited from participation in previous cycles of Going for Growth and they are fulsome in their praise of the benefits they have obtained from their participation. Galway entrepreneur, Deirdre Ui Chathmhaoil of Ri Na Mara Irish Seaweed Cosmetics said it benefited her business.

“I felt my participation in Going for Growth assisted me in getting closer to achieving growth ambitions for Ri Na Mara. The discussions with Mary Ann O'Brien, especially with regard to how to grow your business in new markets and the pitfalls you can experience, were invaluable as she had firsthand experience of doing just that.

“I feel my participation in Going for Growth has assisted me in facing some of the challenges presented by the current economic environment, it has helped me to realise that there are a lot of companies in the same boat and we have to get out there and start selling and build a greater customer base. We cannot just sit back and hope things will improve,” she said.

In almost every case the round table sessions translated into practical changes within their businesses; they got great benefit from their participation in the National Forum and they felt nearer to achieving their growth goals as a result of their involvement in Going for Growth.

Graduates include Nikki Evans, PerfectCard, recently named WMB Entrepreneur of the Year 2010, and well known entrepreneur, Nicola Byrne of 11890.

The practical, hands-on, initiative is designed to support women entrepreneurs who are serious about expanding their business, explained Paula Fitzsimons, national director and founder of Growing for Growth.

“We may be in the midst of one of the worst economic downturns in modern times, but that has not put a halt to the huge entrepreneurial spirit that exists amongst Irish business women,” she said.

“Of the 800 women starting new businesses each month, about 70 have substantial growth aspirations and expect to be employing more than 20 after five years. My mission in Going for Growth is to support women entrepreneurs in achieving their growth ambitions and to get more women entrepreneurs into a growth frame of mind," said Paula Fitzsimons.

Going for Growth will allow entrepreneurs learn from one another through round-table sessions facilitated not by consultants, academics or professional trainers but by successful Irish businesswoman who will take on the role of “Lead” entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs who feel that they would get particular value from the programme, or know someone who would, are encouraged to visit the website www.goingforgrowth.com where they can access additional information, including testimonials from past participants and lead entrepreneurs, and request an application form. As the closing date for receipt of fully completed applications is November 30 2010, time is of the essence if the opportunity is not to be missed.


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