Support Day for parents of children with special needs

A unique support day for and by parents of children with special needs takes place on Saturday November 13 in the Carlton Hotel, Galway.

Entitled “Look into my eyes”, the day-long workshop involves parent presentations focussing upon supportive experiences, strategies, activities and positive parental networking.

“This is a day of sharing by, for and with parents of children with special needs”, says organiser and co-facilitator Mari Caulfield, a speech and language therapist who was been working for 30 years in the areas of developmental and special needs.

“Together we will explore ways in which parents can encourage development and real connection through shared attention and regulation, engagement, purposeful communication and social problem-solving opportunities with their child,” she said.

“The goal of the day is to celebrate the young child’s relationships and over the years we have received fantastic feedback from parents who felt supported and encouraged by the shared experiences of other parents,” she continued.

A member of the Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists and a Faculty member of the Interdisciplinary Council for Learning and Developmental Disorders USA, Caulfield is delighted to welcome Suzanne Moran, an expert in paediatric occupational therapy, to co-facilitate the workshop.

“Suzanne is an experienced occupational therapist who has been working for 13 years in the areas of physical and sensory disability and intellectual disability. Suzanne will facilitate parents in seeing the world through sensory eyes with practical tips and strategies to support their child’s attention, learning and engagement,” concluded Mari Caulfield.

A €40 nominal fee for the one day workshop includes room hire, refreshments, lunch and all course materials.

To register please contact Mari Caulfield, Training Ways, The Courtyard, Kilcolgan Tel 091 796777 or email


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