Mayor campaigns to bring jobs to Galway

Mayor Michael J Crowe has pledged that “job creation and retention is a cornerstone” of his mayoral role and he has been campaigning to boost job creation in the city.

The Mayor of Galway has, over the last fortnight, completed a fresh round of meetings and extensive lobbying to provide job creation in Galway.

He has also held meetings with the IDA and he has set up a meeting with Enterprise Ireland in order to secure investment in Galway.

“As a member of the Galway City and County Enterprise Boards and in my capacity as Mayor of the city I will continue to help local businesses,” he said.

The Mayor said that between now and spring 2011, funding will be brought forward for start up businesses through the CEBs.

“I am also very confident that the IDA and Enterprise Ireland will have good news on job creation in Galway, both through Foreign Direct Investment and expansion by exporting Irish companies,” he said.

Mayor Crowe has also been in contact with the Minister for Enterprise Batt O’Keeffe and the Minister of State for Labour Affairs Dara Calleary in order to have job creation agencies exempted from the moratorium on public jobs.

“It makes sense to increase personnel in job creation roles even at a time of cutting back on other areas of the public sector,” he said.

The Mayor has also led a campaign to allow formerly self-employed construction workers to have automatic entitlement for back to work social welfare schemes. The Minister for Social Protection Éamon Ó Cuív has pledged to introduce this scheme through his department.


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