Bereavement event to be held for those who have lost children

Anam Cara— a national voluntary support organisation set up by bereaved parents to provide support and understanding to families who have experienced the death of a precious son or daughter — is facilitating a professional bereavement event in Galway on Wednesday next November 10 at the Calyton Hotel, Ballybritt, Galway.

This event is open to all bereaved parents. Anam Cara doesn’t identify itself by the age of a child, how he/she died or when he/she died. It may have been a cot death or a still birth, suicide, road traffic accident, or serious illness. They identify themselves as parents who have lost a precious son or daughter, trying to find their way through grief and pain.

The guest speaker for the evening is Peter Hanlon; he will give his talk on “A Parent’s Grief”

A clinical nurse specialist in Mental Health, Peter is working as a bereavement therapist in the Northern Area of the Health Service Executive. He has developed the bereavement support service in the HSE.and continues to work with bereaved individuals and families. He facilitates the family bereavement camps at Barrettstown.

Peter’s work also includes training of volunteers and supervision of the support team for ISANDS. and Anam Cara. He currently runs a bereavement support training programme for staff in HSE

This event is kindly sponsored by the Family Support Agency and Anam Cara will be facilitating other similar events in the coming months around Ireland, see its website for more information.

If you wish to attend, please register to before November 9 2010, or call 01 4045378.


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