Healy Eames calls on Adoption Authority to speed up assessments

Fine Gael Galway senator Fidelma Healy Eames has called on the new Adoption Authority to begin by streamlining aspects of the adoption process.

While welcoming the launch of the Adoption Authority, Senator Healy Eames called on the new body to immediately tackle the delays in assessing candidates who wish to adopt children.

“There is a need to streamline the system. For example, those assessed once should not have to recommence the process from the start if they apply to adopt again.

“One aspect of the new Adoption Act has given rise to serious concern. A strict reading of the legislation suggests that the financial means of all parties must be considered independently. There is a need for clarification in respect of the assessment of financial means of would-be adoptive parents. Where a couple wishes to adopt, both parties require independent financial means, this would appear to rule out stay-at-home parents. I am calling on Minister Andrews to clear up the confusion around this point.

“There are many couples awaiting progress in respect of applications to Vietnam. This is resulting in anxiety and worry on the part of many and I am hopeful that problems associated with the Vietnamese regime can be resolved quickly. I wish the new authority every success in its important work,” she said.


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