Train the Trainer

Galway’s premier subsidised training organisation, Galway Executive Skillnet(GES, ) is offering a four-day Train the Trainer course at highly competitive prices.

Meeting Galway city and county’s business needs, GES has selected training organisation SQT ( ) to deliver this FETAC Level 6 (Further Education and Training Awards Council ) certified course. Course completion allows participants to apply to become registered trainers under the FÁS National Register of Trainers Scheme.

The course, to be delivered over four days in November at the Marriott Hotel, Galway, costs €370 to GES members (€430 to non-members ) a fraction of the market cost for a course of this calibre. The programme, running November 9, 22, 29 and 30, is tailored for both new and experienced trainers, and is particularly suitable for those wishing to pursue a career in in-house or external training, and to become registered with FÁS on its national register of trainers.

Highly experienced SQT trainers guarantee a learning programme that will produce dynamic trainers skilled in essentials such as understanding learner motivations, training analysis methods, evaluation and assessment techniques, and equality for learners.

Course participants will understand varied learning styles and approaches to training adults, and be able to design effective training programmes. Participants will be exposed to the psychology of training, learning and education, drawing on the works of international theorists such as Maslow and Piaget.

Study techniques, good practice, group dynamics, two-way communication, training needs analysis and motivation theories will all be discussed. Participants will also learn how to use technological tools and visual aids to promote lasting learning, and will themselves present during the course using slides and overheads, accounting for 50 per cent of the course marks. The pros and cons of training methods such as case studies, role-playing, open learning, and project learning will all be employed.

Audience interaction will be covered to highlight the importance of visual delivery and interactive training methods. Participants will be required also to submit a 2,000 word assignment on completion of the course, representing 50 per cent of the course marks.

A further boost to Galway business people comes on November 23 when Galway motivational speaker Padraic O’Maille runs a high-energy workshop entitled Innovate or Stagnate, which promises 20 strategies to rejuvenate our attitude, increase our sales and get organised.

GES runs year-round courses on all types of up-skilling and training for management and employees that uniquely guarantee a minimum average 25 per cent subsidy. All courses are individually constructed to meet participants’ precise needs, and support and networking opportunities with fellow business people are available at all GES events. GES also provides one to one business mentoring, and one to one training. All training matches the exact needs as determined by businesses, and GES encourages all business people to contact them to discuss their own training and up-skilling needs.

GES is an enterprise driven not-for-profit organisation funded by member companies and the Training Networks Programme, an initiative of Skillnets Ltd, which is funded from the National Training Fund through Department of Education and Skills.

To book courses, contact GES network manager Adele O’Meallaigh on 085 7491564 or email All courses, events, and members can be viewed on the GES website


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