Lackagh eco-light is first of its type in Galway

A new light which makes it easier to see people and is more fuel efficient, has been put in place adjacent to the old forge in Lackaghbeg — the first of its type in the county, according to Cllr Jarlath McDonagh.

Welcoming the light for which he has campaigned, he urged the county council and other councils to use this type of eco-friendly light which reduced the amount of light pollution in our communities.

ESB Contracts has installed this new type street light lantern at Lackagh Beg. This lantern comprises a PL-L type compact fluorescent lamp which emits white light, and is the first of its type installed in the county.

“White light is known to be more efficient than traditional yellow sodium lighting because it gives better colour rendition. As a result, less wattage is needed to give the same clarity of street lightin,” he said, adding that white light has the benefit of making people feel better and safer.

“ It’s easier to recognise people under white light compared to yellow light.This lantern has been tried and tested in other counties, and it is hopeful that councils and developers will come on board and use this type of lighting.

“Astronomers have been campaigning worldwide for the use of white light to lessen the impact of light pollution. This lantern reduces light pollution to one per cent and will also reduce light spillage.

“I have been involved with lighting for years, and I feel that this and similar lanterns that use CFL (compact fluorescent lamp ) are the way forward for an environment and energy point of view.

“This lantern has added advantages in that it is 92 per cent recyclable, it uses less energy than the conventional 55 watt sodium lantern, and lamps are 60 per cent cheaper to buy than similar wattage sodium lamps. There would be a considerable energy savings if there was an uptake of this type of lighting,” Cllr McDonagh said.


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