Don’t let your pets be scared this Halloween

While the ghouls will be having a howl of a time this weekend, Halloween can be very stressful and frightening time for pets.

In order to make this time pass as peacefully as possible for our little furry friends the Galway SPCA advises owners to keep pets indoors until after Halloween.

On Halloween night it is also advised to keep your dog away from the front door as trick or treaters could frighten it. If you are going out to enjoy the Halloween fun then leave your dog at home as the noise may scare it into running away or being hit by a car.

If your dog or cat is nervous of the noise Galway SPCA has the following tips to help: Place some Rescue Remedy in your pet’s water bowl, keep your pet in the back room, darken the lighting, and play music to drown out the offending noise. If the pet is very nervous then it is advised to consult your vet in advance about sedation on the night. If you have a rabbit in an outside hutch then put it in the shed until after Halloween is over.

“While we all know that bonfires are banned, there are still lots taking place on the night. Please check that no animal is asleep in the structure before lighting it. We also know fireworks are banned but in reality they will be lighting the Galway skies so keep your dog well away from them at all times. Do not let your dog out as already two dogs in Dublin and Bray have suffered at the hands of hooligans and lost their lives. If you are putting a fancy dress costume on your pet, take it off after the photos as sometimes the elastic can cause problems. We wish everyone a happy and safe Halloween,” said Mairead Ni Shuilleabhan of Galway SPCA.


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