NCT centre for Ballinasloe is good for East Galway says Burke

The announcement that the Road Safety Authority has lodged a planning application for a new NCT test centre in Ballinasloe is a most welcome development for road users not alone in Ballinasloe but the surrounding areas said FG East Galway Ulick Burke. This will certainly go along way in reducing waiting times for necessary safety vehicle testing throughout the county he said.

“It will now be a lot more convenient for businesses and drivers of all classes of vehicles to have their NCT tests located at more convenient location”. In addition it will reduce the pressure on the other two test centres located in Athone and Galway.

The new NCT test centre will be a two test lane centre located at Deepark, Ballinasloe. Initially it will be a one lane centre depending on demand and if the demand is great the 2nd lane will be introduced. There will be three vehicle inspectors with clerical back up who are contracted to operate the facility will seek to fill the posts internally. However if there are no suitable candidates internally they will then advertise the posts externally.It was intended to open a test centre in 2012 but as significant progress has been made with the planning permission it is now on track to have this new centre up and running by early June 2011, he said.


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