A new course titled “Create Your Own Economy” has been developed by Galway-based business and life coach Evelyn Cormican, to bring positivity and ‘can do’ attitude back into your lives. ‘Traditionally in Ireland we were never encouraged to dwell on things and told to ‘get up of our back-sides’ to face another day when things went wrong.
However, nowadays much credence is given to acknowledging the impact of negative events like the ever declining economy. These negative events can affect our perception, our creativity, how we think and we need to understand this so that we can face life’s challenges with motivation and positivity,’said Ms Cormican, Director of Blueprint Coaching and Training.
“In the current economic climate there is so much focus on the ever declining economy of the country, it is impacting our internal economy. It’s important to recognise that there are two economies, there is the economy out there [the economy of the country ] and the economy in our own heads, and many people are allowing the economy of the country to overshadow their own internal economy, which kills creativity, motivation, and leads to low productivity.
“We hear stories of personal debt, company debt, country debt, and of course this is still a major shock to many people who don’t know how to deal with it. Much of what we do and much of our identity is derived from our employment and financial status and many people have been greatly affected particularly their self belief and enthusiasm.
‘When you begin to develop greater awareness and understanding you can create your own economy and your life will change for the better,’ stated Ms Cormican. A person’s financial success in any undertaking will never be greater than his/her internal economy.
She said that the Internal economy can be compared to the central heating in your home, once the dial is set at a certain temperature and the room reaches that temperature, the thermostat cuts out. Expecting to do better financially without improving your understanding of the creation process is as impossible as expecting the temperature in the room to increase without changing the dial.
Blueprint Coaching and Training works with individuals and businesses enabling them to dramatically improve all aspects of their lives from business development to personal development. This one day programme “Create Your Own Economy” will run on Nov 17. For full details contact Evelyn Cormican on 087 6083846 or email info@blueprintcoaching.ie