O’Flaherty condemns students who still park in estates close to the GMIT

Some students from the GMIT are continuing to park in estates close to the college, despite the extra car-parking spaces available in the Galwegians Sports Grounds, which is funded by the GMIT.

This is the view of Independent councillor Terry O’Flaherty, who said she is continuing to receive complaints from residents living near the college regarding student parking.

“It beggars belief that a small amount of students continue to park in these estates even though 240 spaces has been made available in the Galwegians Sports Grounds,” she said. “It only costs the student €10 for the permit which lasts for the full term.”

Both Cllr O’Flaherty and the GMIT have been monitoring the number of cars parked in the new facility and “most days it is almost empty”.

“This is very unfair considering the GMIT is doing everything it can to deal with the parking problems in the college,” said Cllr O’Flaherty. “The last thing they want is to see their students parking in residential areas and causing any inconvenience to the residents.”


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