Life As We Know It

cinema reviews

With a tired sigh I thought ‘oh no, not another Katherine Heigl rom-com’ but to my surprise, I really enjoyed this movie which not only had plenty of hilarious comedy scenes but also included some poignant moments where the question of true friendship, and love, is explored.

How far would you go to be a true friend? Would you change your entire life to fulfil your friend’s wishes for the sake of a child? These are the questions that Holly Berenson (Katherine Heigl ) and Eric Messer (Josh Duhamel ) are forced to answer when their mutual best friends die in an accident and they are named as the preferred caregivers to an now orphaned baby girl. These two singletons must learn to live together, change their lifestyles, and somehow raise a child without having a clue about how to do this. Even the dreaded nappy change is a crisis of poopie proportions.

The relationship between Holly and Messer (as he likes to be known as ) has never been easy as some years back their best friends tried to set them up on a date believing that it would be perfect. Well, it wasn’t, in fact, they never even made it to dinner. This made for many awkward moments at various social events organised by their mutual buddies but at least they did not have to stomach one another for long. This all changes when their friends die in a car accident.

As crazy as it seems, they realise pretty soon that they are the only logical choice to raise Sophie. They move in together, as two busy singletons, to learn the joys of parenthood and this is where all the fun begins. There are hectic schedule charts, bomb-like nappy changes, and feeding stand-offs but they learn that fate pulls some sucker punches and they must roll with them. As their love for Sophie grows something else sparks between them but things are never that easy, are they?

There were some real magic moments in the film, some that comes to mind are the taxi driver hired as a nanny by Messer who has been given the career chance he has been waiting for and a frantic chase in an airport. This is a good comedy if you are looking for a relaxing watch with just the right amount of laughs. Definitely check it out.

Verdict: 4/5


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