Kevin Barry to go fiction slamming

YOU’VE HEARD of poetry slams where people stand up and recite and perform poetry, but guess what, fiction writers can do it too.

Over The Edge presents the second annual fiction slam at Café 8, Galway City Museum, tomorrow at 8pm. The featured reader will be Kevin Barry.

The first 12 fiction writers to make it to Café 8 and register will be guaranteed a place in the slam. Participants should bring two pieces of fiction. Extracts from longer stories are admissible. Stories do not have to be memorised.

The slam will be judged by two audience members and Kevin Barry. The overall prize is a bottle of wine.

Kevin Barry’s debut collection of short stories, There Are Little Kingdoms, was awarded the Rooney Prize for Irish Literature. His stage adaptation of the book has been produced by Keegan Theatre in Washington DC.

Admission is free. All are welcome. For more information contact 087 - 6431748.


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