Lighthouse Networks announces competitive new wireless broadband

Galway-based company Lighthouse Networks has just announced the launch of a new Wireless Broadband Service for Galway city and the surrounding areas. The new service is being marketed under the name “Lightnet235” and it provides broadband subscribers in Galway with a very competitively priced broadband service. It uses the very latest fixed wireless access technology and has an entry level price of just €20 per month.

According to the managing director of Lighthouse Networks, Enda Broderick, “The new service is different to other wireless broadband technologies like mobile broadband. Our service is professionally installed at the customer’s premises and it provides much better upload speeds and quality of service than is typically available with mobile broadband.

“Apart from excellent download and upload speeds, the new service can also be used to make and receive very low cost phone calls using internet-based telephony providers like Blueface or Skype. In this way customers can make massive savings on their phone bill or their existing broadband bundle.”

Lighthouse Networks was founded early in 2006 with the goal of providing high quality, affordable and reliable broadband internet services across regions of the West of Ireland that could not get access to broadband at that time. The company has experienced rapid growth and is now one of the largest fixed wireless broadband internet service providers in County Galway and County Clare, supplying home and business customers in many rural areas across these counties.

Lighthouse Networks also has the widest coverage of any fixed wireless internet service provider throughout this region. The company currently provides high quality broadband services in areas like the Aran Islands, to large parts of the Connemara Gealtacht / Cois Fharraige area, and nearby coastal communities and towns, from Renvyle to Indreabhán and also across many rural areas of East Galway and North Clare.

According to Mr Broderick, the launch of the new Lightnet235 service for Galway City is a logical next step for the company.

“Our company was founded to help meet the desperate need for high quality broadband in rural areas of the West of Ireland. We succeeded in bringing a wireless broadband to many of the most rural areas in County Galway years before the National Broadband Service was launched, and we did this without any State grants or handouts.

“For example, we had 100 per cent broadband coverage on the Aran Islands a full three years before the National Broadband Scheme was officially launched on the islands. As a result of our continued investment over the past number of years we already have in place the infrastructure required to also provide a highly competitive and innovative broadband service focused on Galway City and surrounding areas.

“Our goal has always been to provide the best quality broadband service using the latest available wireless technologies. Lightnet235 is an exciting new service and it will provide broadband consumers in Galway with more choice and the opportunity to make massive savings by using their broadband connection for telephony as well as data.

“The future of telephony is based on the internet and we believe that consumers will agree when they see the savings that are now possible, the era of paying high charges like phone line rental will soon be a thing of the past.”

Subject to site survey, the new service is now available in Galway City and surrounding suburban areas. It will soon be available in other large urban areas throughout the county.

For more details, call Lighthouse Networks at (Lo-Call ) 076-6020502 or visit


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