New unit to cater for women requiring further investigation following smear tests

A dedicated colposcopy unit for women requiring further investigation following a cervical smear test was officially opened at University Hospital Galway at the weekend.

The €200,000 facility will provide follow-up care and treatment, if necessary, for those who have had an abnormal smear test result.

A simple effective treatment is provided on an outpatient basis at the clinic for patients at risk of developing cervical cancer. Two to five per cent of all women screened will require further investigation or treatment through a colposcopy service.

The state-of-the-art clinic will be staffed by a highly-trained team and patients will be assured of more privacy and comfort in the dedicated unit, according to the HSE West. The additional space will also allow staff to cater for increased numbers of clients without overcrowding.

Dr Michael O’Leary, a consultant obstetrician/ gynaecologist at Galway University Hospitals [UHG and Merlin Park] said the clinic provides a vital service to the women of the west.

“It will help, both in the short and long term, to manage pre-malignant cervical disease and reduce the occurrence of cervical cancer in association with the CervicalCheck screening programme and the HPV vaccination programme.”

Commenting on the launch of the new CervicalCheck colposcopy service Tony O’Brien, director of the National Cancer Screening Service, said while the vast majority of women’s smear tests are found to be normal, colposcopy services are an integral part of CervicalCheck - the national cervical screening programme.

“The NCSS has made significant investment in colposcopy services nationwide to increase capacity and ensure a standardised quality assured system of care for all women. Quality assurance is the foundation on which a successful screening programme is built and women who are referred to this service can have undoubted confidence in the quality care they will receive here.”

A colposcopy service has been provided at the gynaecology outpatient department at UHG since 1983. Since the introduction of the cervical check programme, the service has expanded. It moved to its dedicated unit in August.

The new dedicated colposcopy unit is situated to the left of the old main door to the maternity unit and has its own private entrance which is clearly signposted. The Unit was refurbished at a cost of €135,000 with €60,000 being spent on equipment and data. The finance for the equipment and refurbishment was provided by the National Cancer Screening Service through the CervicalCheck programme


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