Confusion reigns over new Galway football manager

As of yesterday afternoon there was still no white smoke from the powers that be in the Galway Football Board as to who will selected to manage the Galway footballers next season.

Despite the interviews being held last Wednesday and the interviewees being told they would be informed early this week, that has not happened.

Instead the rumour mill has been in full swing as to who will or will not get the job.

According to a recent report, board chairman John Joe Holleran has indicated that it may be next week before a name is put forward for ratification.

And while confirming the board executive had given the interview sub-committee the power to go outside the four men interviewed, he said that was not being done at the moment.

"We are still digesting the outcome of the four interviews which have taken place. It has not been possible to assemble the sub-committee as often as we would like and it could be the weekend or into next week before we manage that.”

One has to assume they will have been able to do that over the weekend and that the new manager will be in-situ before the intermediate and senior football finals on Sunday week.


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