Galway Bay Half Marathon - what happens next?

Months, weeks, days of training have led up to the Galway Bay Half Marathon this weekend where sprightly runners will be togged out and ready to pound the pavements in aid of various charities, to beat personal challenges, or just for fun, but when it’s all over will you be hanging up your trainers?

Plenty of training, check, signed up for the marathon, check, get down for registration tomorrow and Saturday morning at Elverys Sports in Galway Retail Park, check, and ready to go for the 10k and half marathon, check, but wait, what happens after? If you find yourself pondering this question well think of it this way, should you really let all that hard work and preparation go to waste? It would be shame.

Not only are there the added health benefits such as better nutrition, lowering of stress levels, and a leaner body but running and jogging is also a wonderful pastime. Newbie runners often struggle at first to get into this routine of regular exercise but once they get faster, last longer, feel the adrenaline pumping, it turns into a bug, one that has to be satisfied.

OK so when the marathon is over do take some time to relish in the achievement and to celebrate. With all that hard work no one will deny you a bit of down time, you deserve it, but do not let it linger on the back burner for too long as once you do, it could be like starting all over again. You have had a goal and a target for so long now that entering into more marathons and similar events would be advisable, as not only do you have something to continually aim for but it could become a regular part of your life where you not only keep fit but meet like-minded people. There are loads of events held across Galway and throughout the country to keep you busy, and dedicated websites and magazines to keep you informed and up-to-date with what is happening in the world of marathons.

The days may be getting shorter and colder but do not let this tempt you into comfort eating. There are plenty of options and alternatives which will warm your tummy and keep you fighting fit. A good auld porridge on a cold morning is always a good start, replacing sugar with honey, to keep the calories down. Learn to make home-made soups; these are not only easy to make but there are so many choices. Just because the summer months are behind us does not mean that you cannot eat healthily so use what you have already learned and change it up a bit by checking out all the great recipes out there.

Good luck to all those taking part in this weekend’s Galway Bay Half Marathon and remember that thrilling feeling of achievement does not have to end.


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