New directory of services for older people launched

A new directory of services for older people has been launched in the city to mark Positive Ageing Week which runs until Saturday.

The publication is the brainchild of the HSE’s health promotion services, Galway City Partnership and the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology at NUI Galway.

It provides details of services provided by the HSE and other public organisations as well as community and voluntary groups.

Evelyn Fanning, health promotion officer with the HSE West and the chairperson of Galway Healthy Cities Forum says recent research by the Galway Healthy Cities project indicated there was little awareness of the services and support available for older people in the city.

“This prompted the group to get together to produce the directory. It will be of practical benefit to older people and the organisations and services working with them.

“It will also be a useful reference for agencies working with older people. It should facilitate better co-ordination and communication and thereby assist in making the best use of the resources that are available for the benefit of older people.”

Copies of the directory are available by contacting the HSE’s health promotion department at 091 548321. The publication is also available on the following websites:;; and


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