Lands at Drum and Attyshonock, Moycullen for tender tomorrow

Tony Joyce of O’Donnellan & Joyce has up for tender two extremely attractive parcels of land located in the Drum/Moycullen/Oranswell area. The lands are being sold in one lot tomorrow (Friday ) and all tenders are to be forwarded to the solicitors with carriage of sale DM O’Connor & Co, Cross Street, Galway, phone (091 ) 569170.

The lands themselves comprise two distinct parcels of land in two different locations in the Oranswell/Drum area. The large parcel of land comprises approximately 33.6 acres or 13.6 hectares of unzoned land which is currently used for agricultural purposes on which there is also a derelict house just off the Oranswell road. The lands are located on the east and western side of the Drum crossroads close to the Salthill Devon sports complex and with direct access onto the Oranswell and Corcullen roads.

Mr Joyce said this is a significant parcel of land comprising approximately 36 acres which in the future may have immense development potential, particularly in regard to its location for the proposed city bypass in the immediate area. The lands in question are situated on the Oranswell Road and basically comprise 26.5 acres to the west of the Drum Cross and 7.1 acres to the east of Drum Cross. In addition as part of the estate being sold there is also a further portion of land located at Attyshonock, Moycullen, which comprises 9.9 acres located just off the main Galway/Moycullen road on a small road leading to the lake. This land is currently unzoned and is in agricultural use. The auctioneers expect keen interest in this substantial portion of land situated in a very attractive area being offered for sale by public tender.

Full details and maps are available from Tony Joyce at O’Donnellan & Joyce auctioneers (091 ) 564212.


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