Lecture on the development of weapons

AFTER THE Napoleonic wars a gap emerged between what weapons were capable of, and the tactics adopted to deploy those weapons. That gap grew and led to the slaughter of WWI.

This idea will be explored in The Widening Gap - Infantry Weapons & Tactics from Napoleon to WW1, a public lecture for the Renmore History Society.

The talk will be given by Brian MacGabhann on Thursday September 23 at 8pm in the lecture hall in Renmore Barracks.

The talk will look at how infantry weapons evolved from the musket of Napoleon’s era, to the water-cooled, belt fed, machine gun of the trenches, and look at how in each case infantry were sent to face these vastly different weapons using essentially the same tactics.

Admission is €5. Places are limited and must be reserved in advance. To reserve a place go to www.renmorehistory.ie or text 085 - 729 8831.


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