A Letter to Bertie

The Voice of Reason

Mr Bertie Ahern TD.

Dáil Eireann,

Leinster House,

Dublin 2.

A Chara,

I witness the daily spectacle of this country having its soul destroyed with a heavy heart. Why is this happening, who caused the problem and how did they cause it? I have many other questions too. As you are handsomely paid from the public purse I believe you owe me some answers. So here goes.

1 ) You were Taoiseach and implemented economic policies, which have driven the country to the brink of ruin and bankruptcy. The source of tax revenues was not properly analysed, the property sector radically overheated and the banking sector was allowed to operate in a state of unregulated frenzy. You were paid to manage these issues. Why did you not do your job?

2 ) You arrogantly claim to have created the "Celtic Tiger" yet you refuse to acknowledge that much of the mirage was created as a result of massive increases in public debt and unsustainable levels of public expenditure. Why is this? Could it be that you did not have a clue how to manage an economy?

3 ) The lack of regulation in the banking system led to a corrupted financial system lauded by you as being the “best in the world" Why did you do this when this was obviously not the case? Were you covering something up?

4 ) Your claims to having attended UCD, and the London School of Economics has been proven false. Your only experience was as a clerk in the Mater Hospital with no formal financial or business qualifications whatsoever. Why did you make these false claims as to your educational attainments? Were you hiding your unsuitability for office?

5 ) When challenged about potential economic problems you queried why those with legitimate concerns regarding the economy don't just go and commit suicide. Sadly many who have been destroyed by your actions have done just that. Have you ever considered the impact your selfish philosophy has had on these bereaved families? Do you even care?

6 ) Why are you still unable to provide a tax clearance certificate to prove that you are tax compliant? As a businessman if I wish to get state contracts I need a tax clearance certificate. Why should you be any different? Do you consider yourself to be above the law?

7 ) Why have you refused to give proper explanations of monies you received to a tribunal established by yourself? Your claim that unexplained monies were "won on the horses" is a claim also made by convicted criminal John Gilligan for money that he too could not account for. Do you for one minute think that the general public believe this story? Do you even care?

8 ) This country has suffered hugely from your incompetent leadership, greed and the aggrandisement of a small group of your supporters, leaving the taxpayer to pay for cleaning up the mess. Yet you continue to enjoy numerous salaries, extra allowances, speaking fees, expenses, pensions, directorships, fully expensed state car for life and Garda drivers. You are reputed to enjoy the highest pension entitlements and allowances of any head of state in the Europe. All this while you still cannot produce a tax clearance certificate. You continue to claim unvouched expense entitlements of over €2,200 per month when you are driven around this country by a garda in a state car at no financial cost to yourself. So what exactly do these un-vouched expenses relate to? How do you justify this situation?

9 ) Revenues generated from your book enjoy tax-free status. Given your significant expense to the country especially as you spend practically no time in the Dáil do you think this is fair? Does this tax free status indicate that your book is a complete work of fiction?

10 ) Given your legacy and dubious ethical record do you really think you are a suitable candidate to become president?

In summary therefore I cannot understand why you get so much for contributing so little? In any other world you would have been dismissed for your incompetence, corruption and wanton profligacy. Why should people continue to pay for your greed, vanity and excess? This is your opportunity to set the record straight. If you can.

Yours sincerely,

A Betrayed Citizen


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