Ready, steady…sell

Top sales trainer and recruiter Orla Conneely believes preparation is the secret to success during business slowdown

As the marketplace becomes increasingly competitive, there is more emphasis on managing sales operations and sales personnel in business than ever before.

With the current economic downturn, it means that sales professionals are under increased pressure to reach ever higher targets as well as beat the competition with the key priority of companies over the coming years being to survive and achieve sales.

It’s hard not worry about the impact that current events might have on sales. What we all need is straight talking. What we need are ideas and tactics. What we need are strategies to help us to navigate this choppy water.

Many individuals and companies are starting to droop at the moment and success in every market is totally dependent on having a positive attitude.

Only the most qualified sales managers will survive the tough challenges ahead. It is essential that individuals can achieve results but also most importantly know how to get the best from their sales team.

Sales staff need to be well managed, coached and encouraged to meet their targets and increase their performance. Without mentoring, sales teams lack the support they require to achieve their potential.

From my experience, I have seen that coaching can help staff to maximise both personal and business potential. Coaching is a collaborative process of equipping people with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities they need to self manage, develop change resiliency and become more effective.

As a result of coaching, people set clearer goals, take action toward the realisation of their vision, make better decisions, and more fully use their natural strengths. Coaching elicits solutions and strategies from the staff member.

The coach’s job is to motivate, and help enhance the person’s competencies, resources, and creativity. Investing in your staff builds the belief that you believe in them and that your company is going to thrive. Cutting training teaches the exact opposite. Staff who believed that their company was ‘rock solid’ won’t now.

They’ll question, worry, and share their fears and soon feelings will become beliefs and beliefs will affect their activity and their results What are you going to do to build, support and nurture positive beliefs about your company, sales and success?

Orla is a chartered member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, is an accredited life and business coach and is a member of the Sales Institute of Ireland. For more information on Orla and call 091 385400 or log onto the company website


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