Transform your life with new empowerment course — then walk on fire

A new eight-week course in self empowerment due to begin in Tuam next week offers attendees a new approach to empowerment — participants will take part in a firewalk at the end.

Transform Your Life in Eight Weeks is the brainchild of Izabela Fouéré, who offers a cutting edge course based on advanced neurological re-patterning, master life and results coaching, and advanced NLP to give participants confidence, passion, a greater sense of direction, improved finances, better relationships, and better health.

Ms Fouéré believes that instant and lasting change is within everyone’s reach. “We all have incredible potential within, what we lack is the ability to bring it out and let it shine,” she said. “There is nothing more rewarding than watching before your very eyes a person going through a transformation of depression into confidence, despair into resourcefulness, success into even greater levels of fulfilment. It becomes even more profound if that person is you.”

The ancient tradition of firewalking is an empowering experience for both the body and mind, where the two come together to produce the ability to defy the laws of science and walk across burning coals perfectly unharmed. The firewalk will be the final aspect of the course.

The Transform Your Life in Eight Weeks course will begin on Thursday September 9 in the Indigo Holistic Centre, Tuam. For more information contact Izabela Fouéré at (086 ) 311 99 31.


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