Have your say on eco-friendly lightbulbs

The news that energy efficient lightbulbs will soon be the only ones on the market and that the ordinary 75 watt bulbs will be the first to go has alarmed many consumers.

However Galwegians with views for or against the proposed new laws on lightbulbs are being asked for their views by the Minister for the Environment John Gormley.

The first phase will be introduced in March 2009 and will apply to bulbs of 75W and above. The Minister said this will eliminate a substantial number, possibly in the region of half, of the most energy inefficient light bulbs from the Irish market.

Galwegians who would like to comment on the paper and make suggestions are asked to email them to alex_hurley@environ.ie or by post to Alex Hurley, National Climate Change Policy Section, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Custom House, Dublin 1 by November 2008 14.


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