GMIT seek permission for engineering school

The Galway Mayo Institute of Technology has lodged a planning permission application with Galway City Council for the construction for a new engineering school.

The planning application, which was lodged on August 4 last, outlines plans for a development at a site located at the GMIT Sports Field on the Dublin Road which is south of the principal campus. It seeks permission for the construction of a new third level educational building (gross floor area of c7,150m2 ) which will house the engineering school and will comprise a maximum of three to five storeys, with a maximum building height of c26.5 metres and an overall height of +c48.5 metres OD.

According to the application the development will also provide for an associated vehicular access road to the building, linking to vehicular access from Ballyloughaun Road, permission for which has been granted as part of enabling works. The plans also include ancillary car parking (with a maximum of eight spaces to serve mobility impaired/services ) and all ancillary landscaping, boundary treatment, and site development works.

An initial decision date of September 28, 2010, has been set.


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