Salthill Village Festival launched in style

There will be lots of family fun and entertainment to be had during this year’s Salthill Village Festival which will take place between August 21 and 22.

The launch of the Salthill Village Festival took place last Friday, August 6, and was hosted by the Galway Business School. The event was held to announce the programme and dates for the upcoming festival which will have a strong family focus with a large number of activities to delight children and parents alike.

Mayor Michael Crowe, Michael D Higgins TD, and Frank Fahey TD attended the launch, along with representatives from the Galway County Council, Arts Council, and local businesses. Attendees were treated to food from Ozone Coffee Company and wine from Next Door and entertainment was supplied by Cathleen Loughnane and her son Conor Canon on the Harp and Uillean Pipes. Art by MacDaragh Lambe, Noel Tate and Dymphna Tate was also displayed to give Galway Business School’s Atlantic Suite a festival feel.

Salthill Village committee member Mr Rory Curley said, “Galway Business School is delighted to be hosting the launch of the Salthill Village Festival. The festival itself is looking to be something that will really show the great community feel we have here in Salthill”.


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