Security company launch summer safety package

With all the excitement of preparing and packing for holidays, from booking flights to organising passports, all too often preparations for home and business security are left until the last minute and can be something that may cause worry while you are abroad. Gemini Security Systems , a local Galway company established by two experienced security experts Gerry Keaveney and James Howlett, have just launched their ‘Summer Holiday Advice Package’ which offers important security tips for property owners.

Gemini Security Systems who are specialists in the latest security technologies, be it access systems for retail and commercial units, home alarms or CCTV surveillance cameras and security monitoring for commercial and industrial premises. Their engineers are based in the city with the added bonus of a 24-hour 7-day week call-out service who will respond to your call immediately. ‘We have developed trusting relationships with our clients where they are our priority and they have added peace of mind because we are based locally in Galway,’ said Mr Howlett.

‘Having carried out some surveys, we have discovered that many people have alarm systems that have gone ‘on the blink’, and often are not repaired as they imagine that it would be pointless or very costly – this is untrue. We recommend you should have your alarm system serviced regularly or upgraded and not to give intruders any opportunity,’ said Mr Keaveney..

Central Statistics Office provide the following figures for the period July 2008 to June 2009: approximately €72 million worth of goods were stolen from Irish residential households - an average value of €3,011 per home burgled. Proportionally, jewellery constituted the greatest financial loss at 33.1 per cent of the total value stolen. Houses with three or more bedrooms account for 90 per cent of all burglaries. Entry through the rear of a property accounts for 43.6 per cent of all burglaries, with the majority entering through a rear window (22.4 per cent ) and 21.9 per cent entering through a rear door. A staggering 22.2 per cent of burglars were able to break in through the front door.

With increased occurrences of professional gangs targeting commercial premises and casual house break-ins and robberies, An Garda Síochána regularly issues reminders that we should be more security conscious. It is important to make it as difficult as possible for criminals. Amongst the new technology devices available at very reasonable prices are CCTV camera systems. The costs of these systems have come down greatly and it is now possible to view your own back yard via your iPhone using your broadband connection and close circuit television cameras by day or night, even if you are abroad.

Summer Holiday Advice Package - Gemini Security Systems have drawn up a list of recommendations to consider in advance of your departure on holidays:

1. Designate a key holder while you are away, who will call to check the house, clear mail from the doorway and open and close blinds or curtains.

2. Check your alarm system is working or if you don’t have an alarm contact a local licensed security company to install an alarm for you.

3. Security lights to the front and rear of your premises can be a great deterrent and install motion sensors so they will startle a tress passer.

4. Consider installing CCTV security system which is digitally recorded.

5. Set timers for radios and internal lights to come on in one front room and one rear room when it gets dark using photo cell controllers.

6. Ensure you have good quality security locks on external doors and windows.

7. Leave a car parked in the driveway or have a neighbour park there from time to time while you are away.

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8. Let your local Community Garda know that you will be away and let them know who the key holder will be.

9. Secure valuables or attractive items like laptops, jewellery from view of windows.

10. Don’t forget to set your alarm.

Gemini Security Systems was established in 2009 to bring the personal touch back into the security business in Ireland. The company is based in Galway and serves the western region. The senior partners are industry recognised and qualified experts in security and security systems. They are licensed by the Private Security Authority (License Number: 02074 ) and certified by EQA (Ireland ), an independent certification body.

Gemini Security Systems Summer Special offer on a complete wirefree intruder alarms for only €794 including VAT which includes three motion sensors, two door contacts as well as an internal sounder and external sounder. For the latest offers on CCTV systems view or telephone 086 0211111.


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