Grealish says consultants needed to study the effects of Salmon Weir gates

Independent Deputy for Galway West, Noel Grealish has requested that Minister of State with responsibility for the OPW, Martin Mansergh appoint consultants to study the effect on the level of Lough Corrib and the River Clare, due to the opening and closing of the sluice gates at the Salmon Weir bridge.

“There is a lot of unease locally regarding the sluice gates at the Salmon Weir Bridge and their possible effect on flooding in Clareglway and the surrounding areas.

“I have requested Minister Mansergh to appoint Ryan Hanley Consulting Engineers to carry out a study on the impact of the opening and closing of the sluice gates on the level of Lough Corrib and the River Clare.”

Deputy Grealish says that until further investigation is carried out an underlying fear will remain with people. “I believe that this is critically important to allay the fears of those people whose homes flooded last November, as there is widespread belief that these gates have a direct causal effect on flooding,” he says.

“Until a definitive and independent study is undertaken, people will remain concerned and anxious about the closure of these gates during periods of heavy rainfall. This remains the most significant unanswered question following the publication of the report on the River Clare, and a study must be undertaken to allay the fears of those people whose homes flooded last year,” Deputy Grealish concluded.


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