Nutrition and training — get the balance right

The core of good nutrition starts in the supermarket with the foods you buy, and in the kitchen with the meals you prepare. It is important to understand that nutrition is not a “one size fits all” science. Each individual has varying needs and requirements, based on a variety of factors such as food intolerances, age, activity level, sex, etc.

Up to 45 per cent of the Irish population suffer from food intolerances. Maev Creaven, nutritionist with the Galway Nutrition Centre, believes it is important for anyone who thinks he/she might have a food intolerance to get tested for a proper diagnosis. Whether your aim is to improve your athletic performance or lose weight, avoiding these harmful foods can make all the difference.

Creaven’s tip for marathon day: Twenty per cent of marathon runners suffer from hyponatremia (overdose of water ). To avoid this, assess during training your sweat level. If you are sweating profusely after a short amount of time then you could be drinking too much. Try using electrolytes in water and avoid the ridiculously sugary sports drinks.

To help you to achieve your full potential Maev Creaven NT, BEng, MSc can create a custom nutritional programme which includes a food intolerance test.

For more details contact (086 ) 1278511 or visit


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