Occupational health and safety qualification at NUI Galway offers real opportunities

The Masters programme in Occupational Health, Safety and Hygiene at NUI Galway offers real opportunities for graduates with practical learning that potential employers will recognise and appreciate.

Deirdre Ni Loideáin works as an Environmental Health and Safety Specialist with Medtronic, a US medical device company in Galway. She graduated with a Masters in Occupational Health, Safety and Ergonomic at NUI Galway in 2007. Deirdre has just completed and passed the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS ) Certificate of operational competence in Occupational Hygiene.

The Masters and a higher Diploma in Occupational Health, Safety and Hygiene which NUI Galway also offers are the only Irish academic programmes approved by the Faculty of the British Occupational Hygiene Society.

Deirdre believes that studying for the BOHS operational competence certificate has broadened her horizons and opportunities. “Continuous professional development is hugely important and actively encouraged in Medtronic where I currently work. We are goal driven and keep striving to be better all the time. I am now working towards getting the BOHS Diploma in operational competence and enhancing my qualifications further.”

Having worked in laboratories for a number of years with a background in chemistry, Deirdre was drawn to the MSc in Occupational Health, Safety and Ergonomics at NUI Galway because she had an interest in health and safety.

The Masters programme is multidisciplinary in nature, involving contributions from facultiesof Science, Business and Public Policy and Law, Engineering and Informatics, Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences.

As a graduate of the MSc, Deirdre feels it equipped her well for her current job in Medtronic. “The course is very practical, students learn about occupational hygiene, accidents and incidents, occupational health, ergonomics, safety and risk management, research methods, and legal studies. It’s all hands on experience. The course is not only lecture based, it also consists of a laboratory practical element, so students know what to expect when they enter the workplace”.

During a minor research thesis as part of the course Deirdre focused on Occupational Hygiene, and fortunately that year she was successful in securing a relevant student placement with Medtronic. She later interviewed for an EHS position at Medtronic and has been working there since. “The Occupational Hygiene minor research thesis carried out with Medtronic complemented the job requirements. Due to the nature of the Medtronic business Occupational Hygiene is an integral part of the Environmental Health and Safety Management system.”.

Applications to undertake the MSc or Hdip can be made through the Postgraduate Admissions Centre with applications being accepted until Friday August 13 2010.

For more information visit www.nuigalway.ie/courses


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