Do I Look Fat In These Fig Leaves?

ADAM AND Eve get the blame for a lot of things - sin, death, pain, hard work, sexism - and to add insult to injury, for centuries artists have depicted the couple as having nothing but fig leaves to hide their modesty.

It’s a hard life and their lives became even harder after they were thrown out of the Garden of Eden and had to make a living farming the tough soils around Iran and Iraq. But what became of them afterwards?

The answer to this question just might be contained in Do I Look Fat in These Fig Leaves? which is to be performed in NUI, Galway as part of the university’s Summer Festival.

Subtitled Eve Speaks from the Garden of Eden: A Musical Cabaret, the show is a hybricolage cabaret event celebrating Eve, arousal, and the importance of asking questions.

The show is written and performed by Alison Matthews. Originally from the US and now based in Dublin, Alison is a classically-trained singer and she recently released her debut album The Very Thought Of You, a collection of jazz standards, which she arranged with pianist Brendan Marnell and bassist Dave Fleming.

Do I Look Fat in These Fig Leaves? is part of a theatrical double bill with Christian O’Reilly’s It Won’t Be Great When I’m Not Here. Directed by Jessica Curtis, this is a one-act, post-modern satire, which looks at the musing on the relationship between a playwright and her play. It stars Conor Geoghegan and Jessica Curtis.

The plays are being staged in the Bailey Allen Hall, NUIG, tonight, tomorrow, and Saturday, at 8pm. Admission is €8/5. For more information contact 091 - 492852.


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