Book fair for Galway Rape Crisis Centre

A bring and buy book fair is to be held in aid of the Galway Rape Crisis Centre on Saturday July 17 in Kelly’s Bar in Bridge Street from 10.30am. With children’s activities and readings, the day promises to be an original and fun day out for everybody.

Donations have been made by Charlie Byrne’s bookshop and the St Vincent de Paul, Tuam, along with smaller donations by individuals. Donations from the public are also welcome.

If you want to donate books do not hesitate to drop them into the Rape Crisis Centre offices in Westside or Claddagh. Books can also be dropped into Kelly’s on the day only. For more information contact Glyn on 085 2462959

The Galway Rape Crisis is currently extremely underfunded with many clients remaining on waiting lists of six months or longer. Kelly’s is providing space for the event free of charge, and all those working at the event will be volunteers All proceeds from the book fair will go directly to the centre.


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