Bening out, Gleeson in for Film Fleadh

Brendan Gleeson, one of Ireland’s finest and most admired actors, will attend this year’s Galway Film Fleadh and take part in the public interview in the Town Hall this weekend.

For personal reasons Annette Bening has had to cancel her appearance at the Fleadh. However Mr Gleeson has stepped in and will take part in the interview at the Town Hall on Sunday afternoon.

Brendan Gleeson has acted in such films as Braveheart, The Treaty, Michael Collins, 28 Days Later, Troy, Kingdom of Heaven, and Lake Placid, as well as starring in a number of the Harry Potter films. He also received great critical acclaim for his performance as Irish gangster Martin Cahill in John Boorman’s The General.

Mr Gleeson has performed the role of a number of iconic historical figures in his film career. He gave a masterful performance as Michael Collins in The Treaty, while in Neil Jordan’s Michael Collins he portrayed the Big Fellow’s collaborator Liam Tobin. He then went on to portray Winston Churchill in Into the Storm.

Mr Gleeson has also enjoyed acclaim for his performance in the Martin McDonagh film In Bruges, alongside Colin Farrell. In the film he played a mentor-like figure for Farrell’s hitman, and received a Golden Globe nomination for his performance.

Younger film fans will know Mr Gleeson from his performance as the Auror Mad-Eye Moody in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. He will continue the role in the forthcoming Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part I. He also provided the voice of Abbot Cellach for the Irish animated film The Secret of Kells.

Mr Gleeson will make his directorial debut in a film adaptation of Flann O’Brien’s novel At Swim Two Birds. Irish company Parallel Pictures will produce the film with a budget of $11 million. Colin Farrell, Gabriel Byrne, and Cillian Murphy will appear in the film, which is due for release later this year.


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