Hospice fundraiser will challenge walkers

A three-way walking challenge hosted by the Galway-based Lakedistrict hillwalking club will raise vital funding for the Mayo/Roscommon and Galway Hospice foundations, and offer a leisurely and healthy exercise opportunity for everybody in the great outdoors.

The charity walk which is called the Joyce Country Challenge encompasses three varied levels so there is a suitable walk for all interested parties. The walk will give participants the opportunity to experience one of Ireland’s hidden gems taking in the plateau of Maumtrasna and the Devils Mother. This circuit of Lough Nafooey is an area of remarkable natural beauty with outstanding views of The Turks, Mweelrea, Killary harbour, the Sheefrys, and the Western Lakes.

The three levels are the A walk which is a 30km walk designed for very fit and experienced hillwalkers finishing in the Bunacunneen and Ben Beg area. The B walk is a guided walk over hills taking in Maumtrasna, The Devils Mother, and completing the circuit along the Shore Line path of Lough Na Fooey, while the C walk is a guided walk covering more than 14km on lowland trails in and around the areas mentioned above.

The walks are being organised by the Lakedistrict hillwalking club and 100 per cent of the proceeds will go to the Mayo/Roscommon and Galway Hospice foundations. It is a splendid initiative and all support for this worthwhile project is greatly appreciated. All walks start from the Church Hall in Finney and further details and start times are available on www.lakedistricthwc.com


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