New principal appointed for Merlin Woods primary school

Ms Paula O’Connor has been appointed as Principal of Merlin Woods Primary School which will open this September in brand new temporary accommodation on Doughiska road.

A public meeting is arranged in the Amber House Hotel on next Tuesday July 6 at 8.00pm, when the new principal will be in attendance.

Ms O’Connor is looking forward to meeting the parents who have returned their expression of interest enrolment forms for next September, and parents who are considering sending their children will also be very welcome.

She will also will deal with any queries from parents at the meeting. The plans for the new temporary school will be on display.

For further information about booking your child into the new school or about the above meeting, please phone 091-756823, Monday to Friday between 10.00am and 2.00pm.

The meeting will also provide an opportunity to view the plans for the landscaping of the main Doughiska road, which have previously been approved. Work on the landscaping is about to commence. All are welcome!


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