Review of the Coole Park Cultural Programme

The Friends of Coole is a voluntary group “dedicated to celebrating and continuing the creative influence of Lady Gregory and her contribution to Irish cultural life”. From their founding in 1994, they have worked to establish a cultural and heritage education centre at Coole Park.

A pilot project, the Coole Park Cultural Programme, was initiated by the Friends of Coole in June 2005 and was delivered as a joint venture with its partner organisations, biannually in Spring and Winter. However, Spring 2010 marked the end of this original pilot programme. Over the years the Cultural Programme incorporated a wide range of activities and events including, both indoor and outdoor family fun activities and events with the heritage/nature and arts theme, outreach workshops for primary and secondary schools, weekly lectures, music, poetry, drama, storytelling, literature and heritage fieldtrips to name but a few.

All were open to the public and were free of charge as is the NPWS policy for all events taking place at Coole. Several people including schools, audiences throughout counties Galway and Clare, lecturers and performing artists have benefited from this programme in its five years duration.

Currently, the Friends of Coole are conducting a review of this Coole Park Cultural Programme, which is being funded by Galway Rural Development. The purpose of the review is to ensure the future development of this five-year old pilot project and to inform planning of the programmes into the future. Meehan, Tully and Associates were recently appointed by the Friends of Coole to carry out this review.

As part of this review, the Friends of Coole would like members of the public to take part in a survey to assess their Cultural Programme. Survey forms can be completed electronically on-line by visiting and following the link for the Coole Park Cultural Programme Survey. Alternatively hard copy forms can be obtained by emailing or contacting 071 9146500.


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