Have a walk and take photographs on Saturday

Photography enthusiasts in Galway have a chance to join with more than 12,000 people in 700 cities worldwide this Saturday, and be part of the third annual Worldwide Photowalk.

The event involves walking around Galway city and talking photographs. The Worldwide Photowalk was begun by international author Scott Kelby, with the idea of allowing photographers to meet each other.

The walk is informal and starts at 3pm. It is two hours long and begins at Spanish Arch, before covering the market and waterways of Galway. It is geared for all ages and experience levels and is a free event.

Walk members can submit their best images to the walk leader, who then picks the local winner. The local winner gets a copy of either Scott Kelby’s Lightroom 3 book, or the Photoshop CS5 book. The winner will also be entered into the main competition to win prizes from the National Association of Photoshop Professionals.

More information is available at http://worldwidephotowalk.com and the Galway page is at http://worldwidephotowalk.com/walk/galway-galway-ireland-spanish-arch/.

Up to 50 people can take part in the walk, led by local photographer and camera club vice chairperson, Sean McCormack. Simply sign up on the Galway page to participate


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