Lecture to look at the development of military aircraft and fighter planes

From the Red Baron in WWI to the Battle of Britain in 1940 and the Blitz the evolution of war planes has changed and determined the course of war.

War planes, fighter pilots, and military aviation will be the subject of a special Renmore History Society lecture at the Renmore Barracks lecture which takes place this Saturday at 3pm.

The talk, entitled Warbirds – The Evolution of Military Aircraft from 1900 to 1946, will chart the development and evolution of military aircraft from their first appearance at the start of the 20th century, through WWI, the developments of the inter-war years, and in WWII.

It will look at the changing designs and innovations in both airframes and engines, and attempt to answer the age old question; what was the best fighter plane of WWII?

Was it the Spitfire or Messerschmitt? The Spitfire is an aircraft classic and one of the most elegant looking machines ever designed, whereas the Messerschmitt, in the words of Motörhead singer Lemmy “looks as if it was built to kill”.

Admission is free but places must be reserved by e-mailing info@renmorehistory.ie or by texting 085 - 729 8831.


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