Fathers and sons wanted for adventure programme

The HSE West is seeking eight sets of fathers and sons to take part in an innovative free adventure weekend.

The workshop, the brainchild of the authority’s health promotion services, will take place on Saturday July 3 and Sunday July 4.

It will be facilitated by Michael Henderson from Wolf Tracks. He has been conducting adventure programmes and survival skills training since returning to Ireland after spending time living with native Americans in South Dakota, USA.

During the weekend, the fathers and sons will not only camp out together but will learn woodland crafts and wilderness survival techniques such as knife-handling skills, basic camp-fire set up, fire-lighting techniques, shelter building, basket making, net making, primitive tool making, archery and fly fishing.

One father who completed the programme in the past said it helped him and his son “develop their relationship as a father and son” while one of the boys who took part in the initiative said that the weekend “made us much closer”.

Paul Gillen of the HSE West’s health promotion services, believes the programme is a great way for fathers and sons to spend time together.

“This is central to boys growing up in a well-rounded and mature way.”

Places for the Father and Son Adventure Weekend are limited. To book or get further information call Paul Gillen at (091 ) 548323.


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